Friday, November 06, 2009

Google Dashboard Provides a Top-Down Look at Your Google Use - Dashboard - Lifehacker

I count 26 services on my Google Dashboard (including 8 in the “Other products” category that “are not yet available in this dashboard”). I tend to explore a lot of new services, so many of the ones in which Google is tracking me are dormant, but it’s still a very large number (and it also doesn’t include any of the DoubleClick-related services)…

Ever wanted to take a step back and look at all the Google apps and data you're hooked into? Google's offering that top-down view with Google Dashboard, a central clearinghouse for app settings, privacy information, and use statistics.

The main value to the average user at the Dashboard, reachable at when signed into a Google account, is a peek at all the services you use, the data Google's acquired from you, and quick links to each app's settings.

Google Dashboard Provides a Top-Down Look at Your Google Use - Dashboard - Lifehacker

1 comment:

Hillary said...

got to be really careful here after :)