Government by the people, 140 characters at a time
“Adam Sharp, head of government, news and social innovation at Twitter, said in a phone interview that the new Twitter Index, or Twindex, monitors hundreds of millions of Twitter messages searching for opinions and views about both 2012 presidential candidates.
The messages are then sorted by what people are saying about President Obama or Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, and then creates a poll of those views.
The new site, housed at, will be updated each day at 8 p.m., Eastern time, to reflect the latest daily views about the candidates.”
A snapshot:
Twitter Unveils the Twindex, a New Political Index -
20120803 a.m. Obama 51 versus Romney 26
20120804 a.m. Obama 46 Romney 28
20120805 a.m. Obama 74 Romney 39
20120806 a.m. Obama 74 Romney 27
20120807 a.m. Obama 61 Romney 24
20120808 Obama 35 Romney 19
20120810 Obama 20 Romney 12
20120811 Obama 24 Romney 14
20120813 Obama 36 Romney 44
20120815 Obama 37 Romney 29. p.s. the main page ( includes a chart showing daily trends, so this is my last update comment
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