Friday, May 11, 2012

Google, Alert: Bing Wants "To Model Every Object On The Planet," Reinvent Search | Fast Company

I assume is still central to this strategy
""Our goal is to model every object on the planet,” Weitz says. So far the company has compiled a database of 300 million objects, from computer mice to buildings. As Bing's bots crawl the web, they identify pages that have information about those objects. And then they use that information to develop an understanding of what kinds of things people might want to do with that object.
"We're literally no longer indexing text,” Weitz says. "We're trying to associate data that exists on the web in all forms with the physical object that spawned it in the first place.”
The goal is to use the understandings they're gathering, and the data they're collecting, to identify and build the kinds of apps for search results that will help you accomplish tasks without making you click over to a second page."
Google, Alert: Bing Wants "To Model Every Object On The Planet," Reinvent Search | Fast Company

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