Friday, December 13, 2013

The Amazon Kindle Numbers That Jeff Bezos Must Really Care About - Jason Del Rey - News - AllThingsD

Kindling higher revenue per customer
"Based on its research and analysis, CIRP estimates that Kindle owners spend $1,233 per year on Amazon compared to $790 per year for Amazon shoppers who don’t own one of the company’s e-readers or tablets. Kindle owners aren’t necessarily buying more at a shot, but are buying more frequently.
“Another way to look at Kindle Fire and Kindle e-Reader is as a portal to,” CIRP’s Mike Levin said in a statement. “Kindle Fire provides access to everything Amazon sells, while Kindle e-Reader has become the way that Amazon customers buy books, Amazon’s original product line.”"
The Amazon Kindle Numbers That Jeff Bezos Must Really Care About - Jason Del Rey - News - AllThingsD

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