Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Microsoft Leaves C.E.S. on a Quiet Note - NYTimes.com

See this page for more on Kinect for Windows

In what has become a familiar pattern for Microsoft in recent years at C.E.S., it announced little news during Mr. Ballmer’s keynote presentation. Instead the company mostly recapped its progress over the last six months or so with various company initiatives, including Windows Phones, Windows 8 and Xbox.

One exception: the company gave the latest sales tallies in its video game business, saying that it sold 66 million Xbox 360s and 18 million Kinect sensors and that is has about 40 million subscribers to Xbox Live, its online gaming service. The company also said it would begin selling a version of Kinect for Windows PC on Feb. 1.

Microsoft Leaves C.E.S. on a Quiet Note - NYTimes.com

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