Monday, August 11, 2014

In a Fight With Authors, Amazon Cites Orwell, but Not Quite Correctly -

Maybe Jeff Bezos should outsource Amazon press release fact-checking to his Washington Post staff

"Amazon’s post gave Orwell a big weekend on the Internet. “Altering Orwell’s words to fit your agenda seems rather ... Orwellian,” Josh Centers, a tech writer, said in a Twitter message. “Only a fool or a businessman would twist that quote so completely,” wrote John Biggs in TechCrunch. Glenn Fleishman, a technology journalist, addressed Amazon directly via Twitter: “He was using irony. It’s a literary device. You sell books. What is wrong with you.”

In a related development, it became widely known over the weekend that Amazon was in a dispute with yet another supplier, this time Disney. Amazon was doing the same thing with the movie studio that it did with Hachette: preventing customers from preordering physical copies of yet-to-be-released content."
In a Fight With Authors, Amazon Cites Orwell, but Not Quite Correctly -

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