Wednesday, April 06, 2016

Hacker-for-Hire Market is Booming, Says New Report - Digits - WSJ

On a related note, see Panama Papers: “It was an email server attack” (Naked Security)

"Among the findings: Hackers are offering to steal personal emails from Gmail or Yahoo accounts for $129. The report, which didn’t detail the extent to which the online hackers delivered on their promises, said one illicit service boasted that emails could be snatched without the victim noticing any suspicious activity.

Offers to hack into corporate email accounts cost more: $500 per mailbox, the security firm said.

The findings come amid growing concerns among law-enforcement officials about the burgeoning hacker-for-hire market, which allows anyone with Internet access and a bit of money to potentially wreak havoc on computer networks. Hacking has become a way to facilitate all sorts of crimes, from illegal gambling to insider trading."
Hacker-for-Hire Market is Booming, Says New Report - Digits - WSJ

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