Thursday, November 01, 2007

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: We're not scared of the gPhone

Another classic FSJ rant; see the post for more on the rumored gPhone and its implications

Another piece of food for thought. In all these years Google has spent millions, maybe billions, trying to create an Act II for the company, some way to go beyond search and advertising. They've done the classic Valley thing -- hire nerds, turn them loose to dream up wacky ideas, put some of those ideas out into the market, throw them against the wall and see what sticks. Only, um, in their case so far nothing sticks. Nothing. Zilch. Nada. Sure the stock is at almost 700 bucks and the dopes on Wall Street are lapping it up but the truth is that out in the Valley people are starting to snicker. And if you look very closely at their quarterly results in the last couple of quarters you can see the cracks in the facade. Eric's slapping financial patching plaster over them as fast as he can but there's only so far you can go with that kind of stuff. Unless you're IBM in which case apparently you can do it forever and nobody ever catches on.

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs: We're not scared of the gPhone

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