Tuesday, November 19, 2013

A Conversation With Leander Kahney, Author of 'Jony Ive' - NYTimes.com

Perhaps Satzger should included as a co-author, if the book is primarily based on interviews with him
"Then I discovered that Jony has made everything in his past life private. He has sealed all of his school records, his high school records, his college records. He’s persuaded all of his ex-workers, his ex-colleagues not to talk. So his family would not talk. It was all shut off. I was freaking out because I had nothing.
But then I got a lucky break. I got one of one of his old design colleagues, Douglas Satzger, who worked with him for more than a dozen years. He was there before Steve Jobs came back and there all the way up to the iPad. And I went down to see him at his home in Silicon Valley."
A Conversation With Leander Kahney, Author of 'Jony Ive' - NYTimes.com

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