Monday, July 23, 2012

Facebook Advertising Efforts Face a Day of Judgment -

A timely Facebook reality check, as it prepares for its first earnings release as a public company Thursday
"As a byproduct of its meteoric rise, Facebook is facing an inevitable hurdle: in the United States, where it makes most of its advertising revenue, it is not drawing new users. The latest numbers from comScore, a market research firm, showed that in May, 158.01 million unique visitors logged on to the network, down slightly from 158.69 million in April. Advertisers, and by extension shareholders, will look closely at whether Facebook can keep those users glued to the site for longer stretches of time.
Facebook is still growing in several countries, like Brazil and India, but it makes little to no money in those places."
Facebook Advertising Efforts Face a Day of Judgment -

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