Thursday, June 26, 2014

Google, Microsoft and Others Delve Deeper Into Cloud Storage for Businesses -

Interesting how ramping up to an IPO can lead to irrational optimism

"Mr. Levie, whose company has filed to go public, said he was not concerned about Google’s price cuts. He uses Amazon’s cloud service for some of his storage, and noted that any price cuts by Google’s cloud business are rapidly met by Microsoft and Amazon, much the way Google follows the other two. Dropbox is built almost entirely in Amazon.

Box, with over 1,000 employees, is also working on features like machine learning, a type of data-centered analysis and prediction that both Microsoft and Google plan to put into their storage systems. “The more attention this gets, the more demand we’ll see from customers,” Mr. Levie said. “For now, it’s still good for us.”"
Google, Microsoft and Others Delve Deeper Into Cloud Storage for Businesses -

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