Thursday, April 10, 2014

Heartbleed: How and Why to Change Your Passwords Today - Personal Tech News - WSJ

Excerpt from a useful password modus operandi checklist. If your service providers offer two-factor authentication, use it.

"Turn on two-factor authentication
Beyond using fresh passwords, it’s now important to adopt an additional defense, available on a growing number of sites, called “two-factor authentication.” (It also goes by “second factor,” “login verification” or by branding such as, in Bank of America’s case, “SafePass.”)

This option, now offered by many email services, banks and social networks, sends you a one-time code (usually via text message) every time you (or anyone else) tries to log into your account. You’ll need to type in that code to access your account."
Heartbleed: How and Why to Change Your Passwords Today - Personal Tech News - WSJ

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