Thursday, May 04, 2006

Security Curve Weblog: The Gigantic "Bull's Eye" on Apple's Forehead

Security Curve Weblog: The Gigantic "Bull's Eye" on Apple's Forehead: "Now, I don't know about you but I haven't seen this kind of hubris since Oracle's 'unbreakable' campaign. Remember that? I do. I remember that at one point in time, most researchers ignored Oracle and pretty much left it alone... Then Oracle stepped up on the soapbox shouting 'we're unbreakable', only to find themselves getting the kind of scrutiny from hackers usually reserved for new flavors of Mountain Dew.
The Mac press has apparently 'bought in' to the hubristic message and has decided to run with it. For example, The Mac Observer (in the article 'Cutting Through the OS X Security Rhetoric') whitewashes Apple's recent security problems (or, in Mac Observer parlance, the 'misinformation being spread by the media') by attempting to 'debunk' the recent press that has painted Apple unfavorably. Now, I love my Mac as much as the next guy, but I'm not going to accept a statement like ''s obvious that Mac OS X is currently a more secure and stable operating system than Windows XP...' without questioning why it's obvious. What data is being used to back up that assertion, because it's not obvious to me? "

Read the full post for another timely Security Curve reality check.

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