Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Google is threatening to kill Google News in Europe if the EU goes ahead with its “snippet tax” | NiemanLab

The "couple of reasons:" "Publishers are more aware that scale is a pipe dream and that they want to own the reader relationship; Search is a lot more mobile now, and news is more important to search there.")
"So, depending on whose side you’re on, Europe is on the verge of either (a) finally supplying news publishers with compensation for their work from the free-riding tech titans who’ve build businesses around aggregating work they don’t pay for, or (b) destroying a fundamental tenet of the open web while simultaneously hurting audiences, publishers, and democracy itself. (Not the most subtle PR here, Google.)

It certainly seems like a bad idea to me, for a host of reasons you can read about elsewhere on the Internet. But wherever you come down on it, I think it’s worth noting how this particular moment is a little different from 2014. The power dynamics have shifted — only a bit, but noticeably — for a couple of reasons." 
Google is threatening to kill Google News in Europe if the EU goes ahead with its “snippet tax” | NiemanLab

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