Saturday, March 11, 2006

I, Analyst: PB&J: The Flex-Ajax Bridge

I, Analyst: PB&J: The Flex-Ajax Bridge: "After spending a couple of weeks researching Adobe Flex 2.0, Adobe's application development framework based on Flash, I've become convinced that there are some things you can do with Flex 2.0 that you just can't do with Ajax. In addition, the Flex 2 Enterprise Services provides some really useful functionality, like the ability to manage object caches and to enable peer-to-server-to-peer communications with only a few lines of code. I've also come to appreciate MXML, which is Adobe's user interface markup language. I wasn't much of a fan of these UI XML dialects until I spent a week working with Flex 2 (which is in beta testing). Other companies offer their own user-interface markup languages too, including OpenLaszlo, Backbase, Mozilla XUL and Microsoft XAML. It's a really cool way to develop user interface applications. Having spent my entire career doing server-side development, I'm not much of a GUI developer, but with these UI XML dialects developing user interfaces becomes really easy."

My Burton Group colleague Richard Monson-Haefel shares his perspectives on Flash, Flex, Ajax, etc.; read the full post.

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