Monday, May 16, 2016

We now know who owns the government surveillance SUV disguised as a Google Maps car - The Washington Post

Strange days indeed

"The Philadelphia Police Department, which operates separately from the Pennsylvania State Police, has been using license plate reading technology since 2011. These powerful cameras allow law enforcement to track the whereabouts of any Philadelphia resident without a warrant. This data can be stored up to one year for any citizen and indefinitely for anyone who may be linked to a criminal investigation. The license plate storage program is managed by a separate police task force, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Regional Task Force, whose mission appears to include reducing terrorist threats.

Google has told Motherboard that it is looking into how its stickers got on a city police SUV. Why the Philadelphia Police Department would want to disguise this vehicle when it has been openly collecting license plate information is unknown.

But now, at least, several people are asking that question."
We now know who owns the government surveillance SUV disguised as a Google Maps car - The Washington Post

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