Monday, June 01, 2015

Pew study: When it comes to political news, Facebook has become local TV for millennials » Nieman Journalism Lab

Local TV? Hard to imagine any other information channel type having a poorer signal-to-noise ratio. Check the full article for more Pew Research conclusions.

"Need more proof of the role Facebook is playing in the distribution of news? Among Americans born between 1981 and 1996 — a.k.a millennials — 61 percent get political news from Facebook in a given week, versus 37 percent who get it from local TV. That’s according to a new Pew Research Center study released this morning.

That’s also the inverse of how that divide looks for baby boomers. Among that born-between-1946-and-1964 crowd, 60 percent of boomers said they got news from local TV and 39 percent said they found news on Facebook. For those in between, Gen X, it’s about even: 51 percent for Facebook, 46 percent for local TV."
Pew study: When it comes to political news, Facebook has become local TV for millennials » Nieman Journalism Lab

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