Tuesday, June 02, 2015

EmTech Digital: Pinterest’s Bid to Reinvent Online Shopping | MIT Technology Review

Coincidentally, see Amazon Gets Visual With Stream, A Pinterest Style Shopping Experience (MarketingLand)

"Tim Kendall, head of partner products at Pinterest, said today that the company was working hard to roll out the new buy buttons and suggested the dominant online retailer Amazon and grocery delivery service Instacart would be the kinds of companies that might benefit. In a talk at MIT Technology Review’s EmTech Digital event in San Francisco, Kendall suggested that the feature could mean that after a discovering a recipe on Pinterest you could click a button to order the ingredients from Instacart. Likewise, you could spot homewares or clothing on Pinterest and add the items with a single click to your Amazon wishlist or shopping cart."
EmTech Digital: Pinterest’s Bid to Reinvent Online Shopping | MIT Technology Review

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