Friday, January 13, 2012

HEARD ON THE STREET: Apple Could Rewrite TV Reality -

More Apple TV analysis and speculation

TV may prove trickier. Yet there are opportunities for Apple to innovate. Besides smart design, a defining feature of Apple's three blockbuster devices is simplicity. With a TV, Apple could streamline complicated on-screen menus and multiple remote-controls.

Apple wouldn't be first to market. About 24% of the 253 million TVs sold in 2011 were Internet-connectable. Yet only a fifth of those buying such sets actually connect them to the Web and keep them so, reckons IHS iSuppli's Tom Morrod. That is perhaps because many don't feature Wi-Fi, which reduces wire clutter. Apple's wireless technology could address this.


HEARD ON THE STREET: Apple Could Rewrite TV Reality -

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