Friday, October 21, 2011

Look out, Google: Siri is poised to take Apple into search (q&a) | Apple - CNET News

Excerpt from an interview with Gary Morgenthaler, Siri’s first investor; for a sense of Apple’s near-term Siri priorities, check out the first Siri TV ad

So Apple could pretty quickly add more capabilities?
Morgenthaler: Honestly, as implemented by Apple, Siri is de-featured. Siri [before Apple integrated it into the new iOS] used to get you flight information. You could say, 'When's the next flight leaving SFO arriving JFK?" and it would immediately pull up a whole list form United, American, and other carriers that travel on that route. Apple elected not to release that in the initial version.

And that's where the commercial potential comes in.
Morgenthaler: It's easy to imagine things like: Send my wife a bouquet of flowers. Buy me this book on Amazon. Book me tickets to the A's game on Saturday. And Siri did most of those things--they were up and working--and Apple didn't put them in the first release...The system is capable of all those things and many more.

Look out, Google: Siri is poised to take Apple into search (q&a) | Apple - CNET News

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