More on my Kindle/Vonnegut observation from earlier this morning: clicking the non-obvious “Show 1 more format” link produces:
… which doesn’t appear to be a good deal at all, unless you love reading on your Kindle and/or are into instant gratification. While perhaps more “green” in many ways, $2.97 doesn’t seem like a great discount for the Kindle version of the (full) book.
The customer review linked for this post is another timely reality check – a reader who made the same mistake I did posted:
Before you make the same mistake I did, go back and "expand" your options of formats (click on where it says "Show 1 more format") because that is where you will find the correct Kindle edition of the collection of 14 short stories. This "format" is only for one story. I've contacted Amazon customer service so that they are aware of how misleading the listing is.
… and included a one-star rating to further express their dissatisfaction. There are four comments on the rating, as I type this, including:
so... your bright idea is to rate something a 1 star based on one story youve read out of this collection. the fact that you would bring the rating down at all just to get your stupid warning about this not being a kindle edition (which it CLEARLY isnt) out there to people who dont need it because theyre smart enough to open there eyes
Wow… What started out as what appeared to be a pleasant surprise on a cloudy Saturday morning has degenerated into an example of how quickly things can go hostile in the world of social software. Somehow I suspect this all would have been good fodder for a Vonnegut story… Y. Hu "Y"'s review of Look at the Birdie (Short Story)