Monday, January 09, 2006

BUZZSCOPE :: John Carmack Interview

BUZZSCOPE :: John Carmack Interview: "HB: What are your thoughts on the Xbox 360 and the PS3? With the Xbox 360 now released in three territories, can you see yourself developing a game with either of those consoles in mind? “DOOM 3: Demonic Regions” for Xbox 360 & PS3, maybe?
JC: They are both powerful systems that are going to make excellent game platforms, but I have a bit of a preference for the 360’s symmetric CPU architecture and excellent development tools. The PS3 will have a bit more peak power, but it will be easier to exploit the available power on the 360. Our next major title is being focused towards simultaneous release on 360, PS3, and PC."

Via Paul Thurrott

Check out Smartbomb, which includes an overview of John Carmack's role in the videogame business. Useful history of the market (and the people who made it what it is today), despite the dumb title.

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