Friday, June 28, 2013

Microsoft's Cloud-Based Office Shifts to Perpetual Update - Businessweek

Closing the update churn gap...
"Microsoft launched cloud-based Office 365 two years ago, and in the past year has shifted its culture more toward that of an Internet company, Vice President Jeff Teper says. A year ago, 80 percent of the engineers in Office’s servers and services group were working on the big updates that took place every few years, and 20 percent were assigned to quicker fixes for Office’s cloud products; now it’s the reverse. Office 365 users receive monthly updates, and soon, Teper says, they’ll be weekly. The Office cloud-products team, which had just a handful of data analysts four years ago, now has dozens who track user satisfaction as updates go live."
Microsoft's Cloud-Based Office Shifts to Perpetual Update - Businessweek

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