Monday, July 01, 2019

Trustbusters are bypassing the biggest tech company of them all | Washington Post

Perhaps there should be a "yet" in the final sentence below...
"Trustbusters are targeting the biggest names in tech, bar one: Microsoft.

That’s because the software giant learned some key lessons during its epic battle with regulators two decades ago, notably working with partners rather than using its market power to prevent rivals from emerging. Tech companies rarely complain these days about Microsoft abusing its hegemonic products, such as its flagship Windows, which still dominates the personal computer operating system business, or newly acquired ones such as LinkedIn, which rules the professional social networking market.
Microsoft, the largest company in the world measured by market capitalization, has its own massive stash of consumer data, everything from information about how consumers use its Outlook email service to the job history and professional contacts of members on LinkedIn. But because online advertising isn’t the engine that drives its revenue, the company hasn’t pushed limits in its use of that data, Gavil said."
Trustbusters are bypassing the biggest tech company of them all | Washington Post

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