Monday, July 15, 2019

Facebook Dodged a Bullet From the F.T.C. It Faces Many More. | NYT

Also see Facebook’s $5 billion FTC fine is an embarrassing joke | The Verge
"After Facebook was hit on Friday with a fine of around $5 billion for privacy violations, critics immediately said it escaped largely unscathed: The settlement neither bruised its bottom line nor severely restricted its ability to collect people’s data.

Yet even if the Silicon Valley company dodged that bullet, its pain was just beginning.

Regulators and lawmakers in Washington, Europe and in countries including Canada have already begun multiple investigations and proposing new restrictions against Facebook that will probably embroil it in policy debates and legal wrangling for years to come. And in some of these places, the authorities are increasingly coordinating to form a more united front against the company."
Facebook Dodged a Bullet From the F.T.C. It Faces Many More. | NYT

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