Monday, July 08, 2019

Bill Gates equates Steve Jobs' talent to 'casting spells' | AppleInsider

Maybe it also had something to do with creating products that actually work well...
"According to Bloomberg, Bill Gates was impressed by Steve Jobs' ability to take a firm that was "on a path to die" and turn it into one of the most valuable companies to date. He claimed that this was largely because Steve Jobs possessed an almost magical ability to mesmerize people.

"I was like a minor wizard because he would be casting spells, and I would see people mesmerized, but because I'm a minor wizard, the spells don't work on me," said Gates.

Gates also went on to discuss Jobs' ability to innately understand what made both people and products a worthwhile investment."
Bill Gates equates Steve Jobs' talent to 'casting spells' | AppleInsider

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