Later in the article: "“Our story is simple: We’re the global player,” Khosrowshahi said. “We’re the largest player in personal mobility … Our job is to grow fast at scale and more efficiently for a long, long time.”"
"The company’s loss of $1.01 billion in the first three months of the year contrasted with a one-time profit of $3.75 billion in the same quarter a year ago after the sale of overseas investments. The company lost about $478 million on operations in the first quarter of 2018.Uber reports a $1 billion loss in first quarterly earnings after IPO | Washington Post
Still, Uber reported that bookings and the number of people using its platform climbed by more than 30 percent, both signs of growth.
Uber’s steep loss shows the hurdles the ride-hailing company faces in achieving executives’ goal of eventually becoming a global one-stop shop for transportation and logistics. The company has outlined a vision for itself as a competitor with tech giant Amazon, applying its vast data trove and routing software to rewrite how goods and people move from one place to another and using computer algorithms to remove what tech sees as inefficiencies in the world."
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