See Removing Coordinated Inauthentic Behavior from Russia | Facebook Newsroom for more details
"Facebook has deleted hundreds of pages linked to the Kremlin-backed propaganda network known as Sputnik. The pages, allegedly operated by Sputnik employees, were made to look like they were coming from outside of Russia. The Facebook pages helped spread propaganda about NATO and European politics, among many other topics.Facebook Deletes Pages That Were Secretly Controlled by a Russian Propaganda Network | Gizmodo
The announcement by Facebook came early this morning and according to the company the owners of the pages “primarily represented themselves as independent news” distributors. In fact, the pages were operated by employees of Sputnik, a propaganda agency of the Kremlin very similar to Russia’s RT. And just like RT, Sputnik is focused on reaching a non-Russian audience, whether that’s people in the United States or citizens of European countries that just so happen to have elections coming up this year."
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