Tuesday, October 09, 2018

Facebook unveils the Portal, a video chat camera for the people who still trust Facebook -- The Washington Post

See this Facebook page for details
"On Monday, Facebook unveiled the $200 Portal, the first-ever consumer hardware from the world’s largest social network. The toaster-size gadget, along with a larger $350 version called Portal+, is a cross between a smart speaker, video camera and digital photo frame. But at a time when CEO Zuckerberg’s privacy and security decisions are a matter of congressional inquiry, how many people will trust one in their living room?

I had a chance to spend a little time with the long-rumored Portal ahead of its launch. As a camera, it offers a nice upgrade to the Skype or FaceTime video chat experience many of us have on a phone or computer. The Portal sits on a shelf or kitchen counter and lets your voice do the dialing. Call out, “Portal, call Geoffrey,” and it’ll ring my home Portal or the Facebook Messenger app on my phone. Facebook’s advantage over other video chat services: Chances are, almost everyone you might want to call already has an account."
Facebook unveils the Portal, a video chat camera for the people who still trust Facebook -- The Washington Post

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