Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Apple’s Most Strategic Investment So Far This Year -- Tech.pinions

News with Texture -- see the full post for more details on Apple's content + curation possibilities
"There has been a lot of speculation lately that Apple is getting ready to create some media bundle that would be under subscription. According to multiple sites, the idea would be to bundle all of their media properties under a special program that mirrors something like Amazon’s Prime services.

I have no direct knowledge that this will happen but if you read the tea leaves surrounding Apple’s various acquisitions and new media emphasis, it is not too hard to see this possibility.

With that in mind, their most strategic investment so far this year that could be related to this is Texture, the magazine subscription service that has close to 200 magazines in this service for $9.99 a month. I am a big fan of Texture and use it almost daily to read highlighted articles they put in a particular article overview section as well as actual magazines I like to read, especially the food, sports and news magazines available."
Apple’s Most Strategic Investment So Far This Year -- Tech.pinions

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