Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Onion is on a crusade against Mark Zuckerberg because it says Facebook is choking its traffic -- Business Insider

A sample: Mark Zuckerberg Insists Anyone With Same Skewed Values And Unrelenting Thirst For Power Could Have Made Same Mistakes (The Onion)
"Over the last two days, The Onion has published around a dozen articles ridiculing the social network and its founder, and it says there’s more on the way.

Why? The Onion’s editor-in-chief Chad Nackers told Business Insider that the comedy onslaught is because Zuckerberg has “repeatedly betrayed the trust of billions of people,” and because Facebook is choking off traffic to The Onion’s website.

“We have 6,572,949 followers on Facebook who receive an ever-decreasing amount of the content we publish on the network,” Nackers said, calling Facebook an “unwanted interloper” between the publisher and its audience.

In other words, The Onion is on a mission."
The Onion is on a crusade against Mark Zuckerberg because it says Facebook is choking its traffic -- Business Insider

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