More bad news for the Trump 2020 campaign and its PAC pals...
"Research with our community and our academic and industry partners has identified some key information that helps people evaluate the credibility of an article and determine whether to trust the article’s source. Based on this research, we’re making it easy for people to view context about an article, including the publisher’s Wikipedia entry, related articles on the same topic, information about how many times the article has been shared on Facebook, where it is has been shared, as well as an option to follow the publisher’s page. When a publisher does not have a Wikipedia entry, we will indicate that the information is unavailable, which can also be helpful context.News Feed FYI: Helping People Better Assess The Stories They See In News Feed | Facebook Newsroom
In addition to the information included in our original test, we’re introducing two new features that will give readers more context:
- More From This Publisher, which will give people a quick snapshot of the other recent stories posted by the publisher
- Shared By Friends, which will show people any of their friends who have shared the article"
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