"The U.S. government has faced, and solved, similar problems: Data.gov discloses a great deal of information, with more than 230,000 data sets involving health, safety, travel, energy, and the environment. Available apps, made possible by that information, are helping people to save money and to avoid health risks.Cambridge Analytica's Lies Shouldn't Wreck Data Collection - Bloomberg
For social media providers, including Facebook, the Cambridge Analytica fiasco underlines the need for more careful vetting of all developers who seek access to their data. But it would be a mistake to take the fiasco as a reason to keep treasure troves of information out of the hands of people who can provide immensely valuable services with it."
Tuesday, March 20, 2018
Cambridge Analytica's Lies Shouldn't Wreck Data Collection - Bloomberg
Final paragraphs from a Cass Sunstein reality check; for another accentuate-the-potential-positive perspective, see Perspective, please (Jeff Jarvis)
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