Tuesday, December 05, 2017

CryptoKitties Mania Overwhelms Ethereum Network's Processing - Bloomberg

Beanie Babies, c2017?
"Since its 2015 debut, digital evangelists have preached how the ethereum network will be perfect for applications such as managing supply chains and securities sales. What it’s actually used for is buying kittens.

CryptoKitties, an online game that debuted on Nov. 28, is now the most popular smart contract -- essentially, an application that runs itself -- on ethereum, accounting for 11 percent of all transactions on the network, according to ETH Gas Station. That’s up from 4 percent on Dec. 2 for the network, which uses the distributed-ledger technology known as blockchain.

The game is actually clogging the ethereum network, leading to slower transaction times for all users of the blockchain, which is a digital ledger for recording transactions."
CryptoKitties Mania Overwhelms Ethereum Network's Processing - Bloomberg

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