"Usually grouped together under a label like “Promoted Stories” or “Around the Web,” these links are often advertisements dressed up to look like stories people might want to read. They have long provided much-needed revenue for publishers and given a wide range of advertisers a relatively affordable way to reach large and often premium audiences.Publishers Are Rethinking Those ‘Around the Web’ Ads - The New York Times
But now, some publishers are wondering about the effect these so-called content ads may be having on their brands and readers. This month, these ads stopped appearing on Slate. And The New Yorker, which restricted placement of such ads to its humor articles, recently removed them from its website altogether."
Monday, October 31, 2016
Publishers Are Rethinking Those ‘Around the Web’ Ads - The New York Times
Tangentially, on my recommended-reading list: The Attention Merchants: The Epic Scramble to Get Inside Our Heads by Tim Wu
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