Sunday, October 09, 2016

As replacement Note7s catch fire, we're nearing a permanent suspension of our Note7 recommendation | PCWorld

Also see A fourth replacement Galaxy Note 7 caught fire in Virginia this morning (The Verge)

"On August 24, we named the Samsung Galaxy Note7 the best phablet available—this based on our glowing August 16 review. Then Note7s starting catching on fire en masse, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission issued an official recall, prompting us to “temporarily suspend” our recommendation. Today, with four reported cases of ostensibly safe replacement phones catching fire in less than a week, Samsung’s Note7 problem looks all but unsalvageable. What's more, as The Verge reports, AT&T has stopped exchanging original Note7s for replacement phones.

As a result of recent developments, we’re now considering a permanent suspension of our buy recommendation. It’s time for Samsung to act swiftly and transparently in sharing exactly what’s wrong with its phone, and provide reassuring evidence that its fire hazard has been fixed."
As replacement Note7s catch fire, we're nearing a permanent suspension of our Note7 recommendation | PCWorld

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