Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Oracle Sued Google Over a Hamburger, Java-Android Jury Told - Bloomberg

A beefy argument

"Oracle Corp. sued Google over the equivalent of a hamburger.
That’s a Google lawyer’s message to jurors at the companies’ copyright infringement trial. Robert Van Nest showed the jury a menu with only “hamburger” written on it and likened it to the packages, or APIs, of Java programming code Oracle claims Google stole to build its Android operating system.
“The API is hamburger there, it’s the menu,” Van Nest said Monday in his closing arguments at a trial that started two weeks ago. The exhibit also showed two burgers, one simple and the other garnished. The message: putting the word “burger” on a menu isn’t unique -- it’s what’s behind the word, how you build your burger, that counts."
Oracle Sued Google Over a Hamburger, Java-Android Jury Told - Bloomberg

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