Wednesday, April 06, 2016

HTC Vive Review: Oculus Rift’s Rival Makes VR Bigger - WSJ

Virtualized reality; also see Virtual Reality Check: Rating the HTC Vive and the Oculus Rift (NYT) and The Vive virtual reality headset is clunky, pricey and completely amazing (The Washington Post)
"Step 1 of the Vive’s setup ought to read, “Buy a bigger house.”

You’re going to a want an unobstructed 15-by-15-foot patch. Coffee tables and ottomans will have to go. Pets, too. Think of this $799 gadget less like buying a new TV, and more like installing a swimming pool.

Last week, rival Oculus Rift debuted the first immersive VR system targeting gamers who stand or sit alone, hooked to a long cable, in front of a pricey PC while wearing video goggles. With the Vive, which began shipping Tuesday, you’ve still got the PC tethered to the goggles, but now you’re wandering around and swinging your arms in the air, too."
HTC Vive Review: Oculus Rift’s Rival Makes VR Bigger - WSJ

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