"In the movie Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak serves as the film’s conscience. The Apple co-founder, played by Seth Rogen, is an awkward but assertive counterbalance to Jobs. Wozniak’s on-screen confrontations are some of the movie’s most memorable. According to the real Woz, they are all fiction.Wozniak on the Steve Jobs Movie and Why Accuracy Doesn’t Matter - Bloomberg Business
In his first in-depth interview since Steve Jobs's release in some U.S. theaters, Wozniak said Rogen’s character “said things I could never say.” “Everything in the movie didn’t happen,” Wozniak told Bloomberg TV. “Every scene that I’m in, I wasn’t talking to Steve Jobs at those events.”"
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Wozniak on the Steve Jobs Movie and Why Accuracy Doesn’t Matter - Bloomberg Business
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