Monday, September 28, 2015

How Medium and Twitter could withstand Facebook’s moves to get the journalists and celebrities to… — Medium

From a Robert Scoble perspective on Facebook, Twitter, and Medium (also posted as a Facebook note); also see Facebook turns Notes into a blogging platform with revamped interface (The Next Web) and, tangentially, Facebook has built a parallel universe for journalists… and it’s just like Twitter (The Next Web)
"So, now, we get to the new Facebook Notes feature. That’s quite nice. Looks awesome, like Medium, but Medium has a much better interaction model for journalists and celebrities. Comments are left right next to the content itself and there isn’t an affordance for the crazy Reddit-style crazy mob commenting that often happens on Facebook. Just go to Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page and look at the comments there. Very low quality generally. Facebook is trying to improve them by “surfacing” comments from verified celebrities, or those that get higher numbers of likes, but, still, it’s a mess compared to any post on Medium I’ve seen.

Why is Medium better?"
(Check the full post for a detailed comparison)

How Medium and Twitter could withstand Facebook’s moves to get the journalists and celebrities to… — Medium

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