Thursday, June 04, 2015

With its new Photos tool, Google gets another shot at our personal data | BetaBoston

From an "in Google we trust" reality check; tangentially, see Mark Zuckerberg, Let Me Pay for Facebook (NYT)
"As humans, we can’t help ourselves. Everything we do throws off vapor trails of information, but until recently it was only possible to capture a few wisps of the data. Google seems determined to grab it all.

I’m inclined to play along, at least for now. Google is better than most companies at revealing what it knows about us, and making it easy for us to delete sensitive information — including the photos themselves. Besides, I rely on the company’s greed. Google probably won’t risk its vast ad revenues by doing something really abusive, like willingly handing over customer data to the National Security Agency."
With its new Photos tool, Google gets another shot at our personal data | BetaBoston

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