Wednesday, June 03, 2015

The Next Steps for Ads on Instagram: New Formats, Increased Relevance, Broader Availability - Instagram for Business

On a casual commerce collision course with Pinterest? Also see Instagram to Open Its Photo Feed to Ads (NYT) and Pinterest Brings E-Commerce to Social Scrapbooking With ‘Buy It’ Button (NYT)

"We have worked across brands, agencies and our community to design an advertising experience that feels native to the platform. And we’ve made our ad formats more impactful, from photo and video ads to carousel ads that allow brands to tell a deeper story and provide a link for people to learn more.

This has led to noteworthy results. Across more than 475 campaigns measured globally with Nielsen Brand Effect, ad recall from sponsored posts on Instagram was 2.9x higher than Nielsen’s norms for online advertising.

Now, as we look to build on this momentum, we’re focused on three key areas: Expanding ad offerings to include action-oriented formats, enabling more targeting capabilities, and making it easier for businesses large and small to buy ads on Instagram."
The Next Steps for Ads on Instagram: New Formats, Increased Relevance, Broader Availability - Instagram for Business

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