Thursday, June 04, 2015

New Research Says Robots Are Unlikely to Eat Our Jobs -

A classic in this context: In The Age Of The Smart Machine: The Future Of Work And Power, by Shoshana Zuboff  (1989)

"[...] Past waves of technological change, they noted, have delivered new jobs and higher wages. “This time around,” they wrote, “the evidence is causing some people to wonder if things are different. Or, to paraphrase many recent headlines, will robots eat our jobs?”

Not necessarily, according to two new entries to the technology-and-labor debate. One is a lengthy cover article in the June issue of The Harvard Business Review, “Beyond Automation: Strategies for Remaining Gainfully Employed in an Era of Very Smart Machines” The other is a study, published late Wednesday, by the McKinsey Global Institute, the research arm of the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, “A Labor Market That Works: Connecting Talent With Opportunity in the Digital Age.”"
New Research Says Robots Are Unlikely to Eat Our Jobs -

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