Sunday, October 05, 2014

HP Plans to Break Itself Into Two, Enterprise and PCs | Re/code

Best take I've seen on this so far, via Twitter (@sbisson): "HP to split into Compaq and DEC. :-)"

"Computing giant Hewlett-Packard is close to breaking itself into two companies after CEO Meg Whitman ran out of options to turn around a business that is saddled with declining operations.

The decision to split itself in two, which could be announced as early as Monday, follows a months-long process to explore the sale of several business units, including its PC and enterprise services unit to no avail. The belief is that by splitting in two, both could pursue sales or acquisitions with a simpler balance sheet, which was an issue that sources said had scuttled a plan to buy EMC."
HP Plans to Break Itself Into Two, Enterprise and PCs | Re/code

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