Friday, October 03, 2014

Evernote Updates Aimed at Rethinking Work Itself | Re/code

More details on Evernote's expanding ambitions

"He [Evernote CEO Phil Libin] announced a new feature called Work Chat, coming in the next month or so, that will let users communicate about what they’re working on and actively collaborate on notes. Users can see who’s working on a note at any given moment, and actively share notes with anyone — even if they’re not Evernote users.

This will put Evernote squarely in competition with a lot of existing applications: Jive and Microsoft’s Yammer come to mind, as well as Slack, Atlassian’s Hipchat and VMware’s Socialcast. The point, Libin says, is to “talk to anyone about anything without ever leaving Evernote.”

Work Chat is one of two new features that run like threads throughout the entire Evernote platform. The other is Context, a capability that pulls related information about people and business information into Evernote from outside sources like LinkedIn and the Wall Street Journal."
Evernote Updates Aimed at Rethinking Work Itself | Re/code

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