Sunday, June 09, 2013

The real story in the NSA scandal is the collapse of journalism | ZDNet

Tangentially, also see The New York Times' Small But Significant Change to Its Blistering Obama Criticism (in Slate, which is, in a deeply-nested dimension, a division of The Washington Post Company)
"That rush to publication set off the Internet echo chamber and the cable news networks at a full-throated roar. The story and its key, now apparently discredited arguments have been spread far and wide.
The Post compounded its error by quietly correcting its story and not publicly acknowledging that there were errors in the original story. In fact, the revised story still claims the NSA and the FBI are “tapping directly into the central servers” of those companies when that allegation no longer appears to be true.
In short, one of the great journalistic institutions of the 20th Century is now engaged in outright click-baiting, following the same “publish first, fact-check later” rules as its newer online competitors.
Something tells me the Pulitzer committee won’t be considering this story for next year’s awards."
The real story in the NSA scandal is the collapse of journalism | ZDNet

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