Friday, May 03, 2013

Sony's First-Mover Disadvantage in Smart Watches - Businessweek

From a snapshot of Sony's SmartWatch struggle
"Sony’s failure to gain traction with the SmartWatch is the latest in a long line of first-mover advantages the electronics giant has squandered. The Walkman and Discman dominated the global portable music player market for decades before the advent of the iPod in 2001. A year earlier, Sony began selling the Clié, a Palm OS-based personal digital assistant that allowed users to listen to music, play games, and watch videos. The Clié didn’t catch on, and Sony pulled it in 2005. Despite owning the distribution rights to thousands of popular songs and films, Sony failed to rival Apple’s iTunes on smartphones and tablets."
Sony's First-Mover Disadvantage in Smart Watches - Businessweek

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