Tuesday, February 05, 2013

The Real Story Behind 'Super WiFi' And The Fight Over Spectrum; It's Not What You Read Yesterday | Techdirt

An information literacy reality check on the FCC/free wireless topic, but I suspect there is more to the story, when the interests of Google, Microsoft, and other companies are factored in; also see Before You Get Excited About That ‘Free Super WiFi!’ Story… (SplatF)
"All of this is ancient history. Really ancient history. So why is the Washington Post suddenly covering this? From the article, you'd be forgiven for thinking that this is all new and that the FCC has plans for some amazing free "super WiFi." Except that's not true. At all. Well, except the part that caught most people's attention: that this would be about offering "free internet service" across the country. That part is new. And that's because it's not true. You still need backhaul and service. It's just about freeing up the spectrum so that it can be used to provide service. The FCC isn't suddenly planning to get into the broadband service ISP business. Nor could they."
The Real Story Behind 'Super WiFi' And The Fight Over Spectrum; It's Not What You Read Yesterday | Techdirt

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