Sunday, December 23, 2012

10 Energy Numbers To Remember From 2012 | ThinkProgress

Check the full post for some additional (encouraging and discouraging) energy trends
“A study by Opower in September revealed that charging the iPhone 5 costs just $0.41 per year, and charging the Droid Galaxy SIII costs just $0.53.
The collective energy demand of all those phones is nothing to sneeze at, but in the bigger picture, a global increase in smartphone usage is likely to cause lower overall energy consumption…
How so? Many consumers now use their smartphones to do things (e.g. internet, media, games) that they used to do on bigger, energy-hogging devices (e.g. computers, televisions, and game consoles).”

Source: Opower (September 2012)
10 Energy Numbers To Remember From 2012 | ThinkProgress

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