Monday, November 12, 2012

Google ad revenue tops entire US print media industry [Slate]

Sign of the, er, Times…

Google ad revenue vs. print media

“In the first six months of 2012, Google raked in more ad revenue than U.S. print newspapers and magazines combined.

Statista / Creative Commons


The chart above, from Statista's Felix Richter, plots Google's digital advertising revenue against the print advertising revenue of all U.S. newspapers and magazines. If Google and content providers are indeed "partners," it's pretty clear that one partner is getting a lot more out of the deal than the other. And as for that stake Google had in helping newspapers monetize online? Well, The Guardian's Roy Greenslade estimates that Google's total revenue also now exceeds that of the entire U.S. newspaper industry even when you count digital ads.”

Google ad revenue tops entire US print media industry (CHART)

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